Refrigerated Dryers - Pneumatech
COOL Series Non-Cycling Dryers
Designed to lower moisture & resultant corrosion in compressed air systems, COOL dryers are reliable, efficient & produce great results. Through their after water separators & aftercoolers, these dryers act as a second line of defense for applications.

Through their innovative compact design & easy to install components, COOL dryers produce quality air for any operation. They are great options for car shops, spray painting, pneumatic tools, amongst many other applications. COOL refrigerated dryers have the goal of avoiding humidity damage that can result from the compression process. By removing condensation, they deliver dry compressed air to keep your equipment running for years on end.
Standard Features:
- Solid performance & strong reliability
- Stable pressure dew point as low as 5°C/41°F ensuring ISO 8573-1 class 5 quality
Compact & easy to install
- Simple vertical design
- Plug & play mechanical & electrical connections
- Super cost saver
- Low initial investment
- Efficient cooling system ensures low energy costs
- Increased lifetime of tools & equipment
- Easy maintenance at low cost
- Long service intervals
- Easy access to key components