Refrigerated Dryers - Pneumatech
ADA Series Non-Cycling Hi-Temp Dryers
The perfect companion for any piston compressor to keep your air system moisture free.

The patented design of the built-in aftercooler/condenser makes this dryer one of the leading products in the market. An ADA refrigerated dryer comes shipped with a full refrigerant charge and a durable powder-coated cabinet. This series features an automatic drain, a programmable timer, and a manual override for ease of use.
Important Features & Benefits:
- No air loss demand drain
- Eliminates water, oil and dirt from air system while saving energy
- Units rated to 39 ºF or 50 ºF dewpoint
- Prevents damage to pneumatic tools and cylinders, adding to their lifetime use
- Air Inlet up to 180 ºF (82 ºC)
- No separate aftercooler needed
- Plate and frame heat exchanger with integrated air-to-air HX
- Durability and helps eliminate pipe “sweating” cULus listed
- Unit suitable for all municipalities and Canada
- Durable powder-coated cabinet
- Long Life