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Filters & Elements

How Clean is your compressed air?

Atmospheric air naturally contains several impurities such as dust, various forms of hydrocarbons and water in the form of humidity. Once drawn into the compressor, these are compressed and delivered down the line along with oil particles. These polluting agents interact with each other generate abrasive emulsions that cause wear and corrosion in the downstream equipment. Chicago Pneumatic air quality solutions remove these contaminations from the compressed air.


The quality of air required throughout a typical compressed air system varies. By offering an extensive filter range, we can always match your precise requirements, ensuring that all types of contamination are avoided and costs are reduced to an absolute minimum.

Standard Features:

  • Boost quality and productivity
  • Purify the compressed air by eliminating oil/dust contaminants
  • High final product quality
  • Increase your overall productivity
  • Save costs
  • Prolong the life span of your operation process
  • Reduce potential downtime
  • Annual service intervals to ensure optimal operations Easy operation and installation
  • Compatible with any compressor technology
  • Can be installed quickly and into an existing network
  • Optional pressure drop device (indicator/gauge) to advise on the cartridge replacement
  • Cartridge replacement done in no time
  • No electrical supply needed