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Factors to Consider Before Selecting an Air Compressor System for Your Business

Air compressors can be a valuable addition to businesses. These devices power the capabilities of small appliances to improve the performance of your industrial operation.  The market has various air compressors with diverse motor types, pressure ranges, designs, and sizes. Find a device that suits your business needs and helps you save costs. 

Before choosing an air compressor system for your business, consider these four factors:

1. Compressor Capacity

Consider the amount of power your business requires. Provide a professional (such as 3C Industrial) with a quotation and show all the appliances that need power. The expert will determine the desired amount of airflow for each business tool.

Inspect your appliances and note the highest rating indicated in pounds per square inch (PSI). Choose an air compressor system that surpasses the highest PSI of your tools. 

Moreover, select an air compressor based on horsepower to power up the pump. Excellent horsepower values translate to an exceptional PSI with high cubic feet per meter (CFM). A higher CFM shows that the compressor can support several appliances simultaneously. Choose one whose rating exceeds your industrial needs. 

2. Source of Industrial Power for Your Air Compressor System

The power of your air compressor can be from gas or electricity. Where and how your business operates determines the choice of your air compressor. 

Pick a petrol compressor if your business deals with outdoor activities or runs in harsh weather conditions. A petrol-powered compressor is movable and is low maintenance but with a high initial cost. 

On the other hand, electric-powered compressors are common and need regular energy to power them. These devices have low initial costs but are high maintenance. Hire a professional to assess the number of electrical phases your business receives. The expert will also check the units’ compatibility with the electrical needs.

3. Duty Cycle of a Compressor

Select an air compressor system based on the indicated number of minutes it can operate continuously. If your business is open throughout, buy a continuous-duty air compressor. Such a device will support your appliances 24/7 and prevent inconveniences. 

Request a specialist to help you calculate the air compressor’s duty factor. The result can then assist you in deciding on how much time the air compressor will operate without turning off. 

4. Operational Requirements of a Compressor

Determine what you need to do to meet the operational requirements of the air compressor system. You can do this by checking the types of controls, drivers, lubricants, and bases you should use for safe operation. Your air compressor system should cut costs and match your business needs.

Besides, decide on the lubrication system of air compressors before you pick a suitable unit. If your business handles products not affected by small oil traces, go for lubricated equipment. However, select a non-lubricated machine to protect your products from oil traces. 

Further, check the equipment’s leakage control ability beforehand. Some machine designs need lubrication in valve and upper cylinder areas. If you fail to lubricate such devices, you may find it difficult to reduce leakage rates. Ask the manufacturer to advise you on limiting excessive leaks and hence protecting the environment. 

A reliable air compressor system is crucial for your business operation. You should select the equipment based on your intentions and needs to help power your appliances for an optimal time. The factors above will kick-start your air compressor selection journey to enhance business performance. 

At 3C Industrial, we can advise and help you choose a suitable air compressor for your operation’s needs. Contact us today day for your air compressor system needs.

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