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Summer Maintenance Tips

Summertime is officially here in Texas. The summer brings long, hot and humid days, all of which can take a toll on your air compressor. Skyrocketing temperatures combined with condensation can strain your equipment’s performance unless you’re prepared. Here are some summer maintenance tips that we at 3C have put together to help you with your preventative maintenance.

1. Clean Your Cabinet and Intake Air Filters

Seems like routine maintenance, but it’s easy to forget when you’re day-to-day tasks take over . A compressor runs cooler and uses less energy when filters are clean. When you have dirty, clogged filters, they can lead to pressure drops. This causes the compressor to work at higher levels to accommodate the demand. It’s important to follow a regular maintenance schedule and add checks for seasonal changes.

2. Check Compressor Room Ventilation

Increased airflow helps us breathe easier and the same can be said about our machines. Air and oil filters require a little extra attention in the summer. Check the compressor room frequently and adjust ventilation and airflow accordingly. Air contaminants, such as pollen and other air pollutants that are prevalent in the summer, can clog up your compressors. When you check your compressor room, make sure to clean and clear the ventilation system. 

3. Look Through Your Drains

The high humidity in the summer causes more condensation when air cools and eventually come out of the drains. Check to ensure that your drains are clear and in working order so they can handle the increased flow. The condensation is sometimes mixed with the compressor oil, so we recommend treating the water before being released directly into the drain. While you’re checking the drains, you should also look at the unit’s filtered and separation tanks. 

4. Clean Your Coolers

During the summer, your air compressor is running not sprinting. To make sure it doesn’t pass out from the heat, you must unblock or unclog your coolers. When your coolers are blocked or clogged, this can cause your air compressor to overheat.

5. Adjust Your Water Cooling Systems 

With your water-cooled compressors, adjust the temperature of the water entering the system. This helps compensate for increased ambient temperatures and to ensure that it is adequate for summer conditions. 

Taking these preventive steps will help sustain your air compressor system in the summer and your business as a whole helping prevent downtime. If you find yourself with no time to do these regular and seasonal maintenance checks, let 3C help you! We’re here for all your summer maintenance along with preventive and corrective maintenance needs. 

How to Properly Store Your Air Compressor for Seasonal Use
Best Practices for Safe Operation of Industrial Air Compressors
Common Compressor Issues and How to Avoid Them
Air Compressor Maintenance Checklist for Extreme Weather